13 juin 2007


Today i tried to create an unisex, "universal" set of clothing::::: a light kimono, Kurdish pants, linen simple shoes. I am happy with the result. Here are traces of all my temporary homes : Irak, Taiwan and France.

Aujourd'hui, j'essaye de creer un ensemble unisexe et "universel" :::: un kimono leger, un sarouel, des chaussons en lin ( souvenir d'Arcachon : lin sable et rayures estivales). Ces habits temoignes de mes anciens voyages Irak... Taiwan...

1 commentaire:

Julie B a dit…

Hi there,

I love your baby shoes and I tried to place an order on Etsy, but I did not go through with it because on the little boots I wanted, I could not specify which color, or which size.
How can I go about ordering with being able to tell you which ones I want specifically?
