21 décembre 2007

Mommy, me and Kandinski...

I wrote and re-wrote the list of Christmas orders from Etsy that i had to finish FIRST. I always try to imagine i am the one buying these items and am happy to offer them to a lovely child.
But my IDEAS run, and fly and dance and it is hard to just work at the machine to complete sometimes 2o orders daily...
But before the new year, i will be able to show a new line made to stimulate our children's sensitivity by textures and combination of surprising colors.

:: the materials :
Freshly new created designers fabrics + vintage 70's lively fabrics. A blend of new and older impulsions...

:: Wool and natural cotton : coziness + Spring style fabrics for a fresh, happy contrast !!

:: Inspirations... Kandinski's paintings, felted wool, ethnic kimonos...

Children reflect the constant diversity of nature and the world.
I like to imagine the clothes they can wear are an extension of themselves, of their vitality.

2 commentaires:

hj a dit…

Kandinsky 's my favourite painter (one of my...!)
Nice blog !
Helene J

98126res a dit…

your sewn stuff is really cute, comfy and original and fun to see, best cottonjens