7 octobre 2007

Automne ! Me voila...

We had these warm nights where Manhattan skylights looked like a thousand burning fires, these incredibly clear mornings and a happy Sun dancing on our skin. This morning, the wind brought the first smells of autumn. I had this chocolate-mint-almond fabric waiting impatiently to be cut and worn... OK! In half hour, that was made.

Euhh... When i say chocolate, almond, mint it is abstract sensations... but not for Luz, these delicious white balls at the end of the ribbon... aren't they delicious ??

2 commentaires:

L'enfant expatrie a dit…

J'adore ce tissu, tu l'as trouve ou ???

Peaudane a dit…

contente de te revoir, qu'est ce qu'elle a changé ta puce. Elle est belle ;-)))