25 octobre 2007

Behind the Photos

Finally, Thanks Loulou, you gave this gift ......

Taking photos with Loulou can be a marathon.
I just have to wait she is in the mood, wait to see if she feels good in the new clothes, or feel how she carries it. That is the good part.
She knows i am trying to take CLEAR photos and at this precise moment, she is more FIRE than ever.
I beg you... You all, artists, crafters, Etsy people, how can you make such clean photos of your children ? HOW do you catch them when they run away ?

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Thank-you, thank-you for making these cloths....they inspire me and re-affirm that I can clothe my daughter in natural fibres, natural and vibrant colours and sweet, simple designs...(I've already bought a few things from your etsy shop...squealed when I saw your new winter linen shirts...as for photos... you are right...we just have to wait for the right time, the right mood...when they are ready, and most themselves...:)

Anonyme a dit…

Tu en prends 80 pour en avoir une de bonne peut-etre ;)
big bises